About Me

Hello! My name is Rhonda and I am married to a wonderful man, Michael. I can say he is truly my best friend. We were married on April 12, 2008. He has a son (my step-son), Josh who is 15 years old. We are blessed with such wonderful family and friends. We created this blog so that we could post activities and pictures about us. We look forward to sharing these things with you. We had a sweet baby girl, Ella Kate, on June 19, 2012.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One Month Old

One Month Old... July 19, 2012

You weigh 8 pounds 6 ounces and are 20.5 inches long.

Just a few sneak peek pics from your photo shoot with 
Robyn Anne Photography...

Mommy & Daddy love you baby girl, 
more than you could ever imagine!

I prayed for this child, 
and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.  
~1 Samuel 1:27 (NIV) 

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