About Me

Hello! My name is Rhonda and I am married to a wonderful man, Michael. I can say he is truly my best friend. We were married on April 12, 2008. He has a son (my step-son), Josh who is 15 years old. We are blessed with such wonderful family and friends. We created this blog so that we could post activities and pictures about us. We look forward to sharing these things with you. We had a sweet baby girl, Ella Kate, on June 19, 2012.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

23 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along:  23 weeks
What’s developing:   Ella Kate measures more than 11 inches from head to heel and weighs just over 1 pound.  With a sense of movement well developed now, she can fell me dance... so turn up the music.  :-) Her hearing is becoming more keen.  The cochlea, the inner ear mechanism that houses all the components for hearing, is fully formed.  She can hear what I hear, but not at the same level.  The sounds/voices are muffled by muscles and tissues around my belly, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid.  Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. 

Size of baby:  Ella Kate is the size of a large mango. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss:   Haven't weighed lately.  :-)  

Clothes:   Maternity jeans/capris and maternity tops.   Still in my regular scrubs pants, but mostly wearing maternity tops with them.

Gender:  It's a GIRL!!!

Movement: Lots of movement lately.  She's an active little thing. 

Sleep: Still waking up about 2 times per night to use the bathroom.

What I miss:  Jersey Mikes subs

Cravings:  Still the chocolate milk.

Symptoms:  Heartburn and had a little swelling of my feet this week.

Best Moment this week:  Warm weather with FLIP FLOPS and feeling Ella move more and more.  

Mike is still at home recovering at home and is getting stronger everyday.  Still remember him in your thoughts and prayers!  

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me." ~ Philippians 4:13

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