About Me

Hello! My name is Rhonda and I am married to a wonderful man, Michael. I can say he is truly my best friend. We were married on April 12, 2008. He has a son (my step-son), Josh who is 15 years old. We are blessed with such wonderful family and friends. We created this blog so that we could post activities and pictures about us. We look forward to sharing these things with you. We had a sweet baby girl, Ella Kate, on June 19, 2012.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

19 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Size of baby:  Ella Kate is the size of a large heirloom tomato.

What’s developing:   Ella Kate measures about 6 inches (head to rump) and weighs about 8.5 ounces. Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of the body now.  Her kidneys continue to make urine.  The hair on her scalp should be sprouting.  A waxy protective coating called "vernix caseosa" is forming on the skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.  Her sensory development is exploding now; her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  Got on the scale about 3 days ago and was actually down 1/2 pound?  Who knows...


Clothes:   Maternity jeans and some maternity tops.  Able to still fit in some of my bigger regular tops too (for now).  Still in my regular scrubs pants, but have bought a few bigger tops!  

Gender:  It's a GIRL!!!

Movement: Definitely feeling flutters now.


Sleep: Still waking up about 2 times per night to use the bathroom.

What I miss:  Jersey Mikes subs

Cravings: No specific cravings this week. 

Symptoms:  Heartburn more frequently.


Best Moment this week:  No pics to post this week as I worked Sunday night and we didn't take any and then had a very crazy day on Monday.  Mike has been having some occasional chest pain on and off for about 2 months and had a cardiac stress test scheduled on Monday.  The stress test was "abnormal" and he was admitted to East Carolina Heart Institute Monday unexpectedly directly from the stress test.  Doctors performed a cardiac cath almost immediately upon admission to the hospital.  He was found to have 100% blockage of his LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery.   He is scheduled to have "robotic" (minimally invasive surgery) coronary bypass of this single vessel on Monday.  It was also found that he doesn't have any damage to his heart muscle, which is a blessing.  Until Monday, he is just hanging out at the hospital for close monitoring.  So.. needless to say we have had a CRAZY past couple of days.   
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
On another note, Ella's bedroom furniture was delivered this morning.  :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

18 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 18 weeks

Size of baby:  Ella Kate is the size of a bell pepper.

What’s developing:   Ella Kate measures about 5.5 inches (head to rump) and weighs about 7 ounces.  She is busy flexing her arms and legs.  Her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin.  Her ears are now in their final position.  A protective covering called myelin is beginning to form around her nerves (this process will continue for about a year after her birth).  Her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place.  

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  Gained about a pound this week.

Clothes:   Maternity jeans and some maternity tops.  Able to still fit in some of my bigger regular tops too (for now).  Still in my regular scrubs pants, but have bought a few bigger tops!  

Gender:  It's a GIRL!!!

Movement: ??? may be feeling a little flutter every now and then.

Sleep: Still waking up about 2 times per night to use the bathroom.

What I miss:  Jersey Mikes subs

Cravings: Still loving my chocolate milk.  

Symptoms:  Some heartburn occasionally.  

Best Moment this week: We have had a very productive week with finding out the gender to shopping.  We have made a few major purchases this week...  furniture (crib, dresser, changing table with hutch), glider, and stroller/car seat travel kit.  ( Furniture will be delivered in approximately 1 week)  All of this adds to our excitement!  We can't wait to meet Ella Kate.

                 (PIC FROM WEBSITE)

                (PICS FROM THE WEBSITE)         

         Camille Bedding from Pottery Barn 
                 (PIC FROM WEBSITE)

             (Ella Kate's Glider)

               (Chicco Key Fit30 Travel Kit)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's a GIRL!!!

Had the anatomy ultrasound today and IT'S A HEALTHY GIRL!!!


We are very excited and very thankful to hear great news today!!! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

17 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 17 weeks

Size of baby: Baby Strickland is the size of a turnip.

What’s developing:   Baby Strickland measures about 5 inches (head to rump) and weighs about 5 ounces.  The baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone.  The umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker (the baby's lifeline to the placenta).  It can move his/her joints and the sweat glands are starting to develop.  Body fat is beginning to form and will continue to accumulate through the end of pregnancy.  Body fat will make up two-thirds of the birth weight when it is born.  The baby's eyes are making side-to-side movements and can perceive some light even though the eyelids are still sealed.  The baby can also hear noises now.

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  Haven't weighed this week, but clothes are definitely fitting different.  

Clothes:   Maternity jeans and some maternity tops.  Able to still fit in some of my bigger regular tops too (for now).  Still in my regular scrubs pants, but have bought a few bigger tops!  

Gender:  Will find out Tuesday, February 7th (hopefully, fingers crossed)

Movement: ??? may be feeling a little flutter every now and then.

Sleep: Still waking up about 2 times per night to use the bathroom.

What I miss:  Jersey Mikes subs

Cravings: Still loving my chocolate milk and have had a few chocolate milkshakes too.  

Symptoms:  Some heartburn occasionally.  

Best Moment this week: Got the hair done!!! :)