About Me

Hello! My name is Rhonda and I am married to a wonderful man, Michael. I can say he is truly my best friend. We were married on April 12, 2008. He has a son (my step-son), Josh who is 15 years old. We are blessed with such wonderful family and friends. We created this blog so that we could post activities and pictures about us. We look forward to sharing these things with you. We had a sweet baby girl, Ella Kate, on June 19, 2012.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Five Months Old

5 months old... November 19, 2012

Ella you are now 5 months old, you recently went to the doctor on Tuesday, 11-13-12 for "cold" symptoms and you weighed 13 pounds, 12 ounces.  You are getting to be such a big girl!!!  You are wearing a size 2 diaper and are in size 3-6 months and 6 months clothes.  You have started to wear shoes sometimes and are wearing a size 1.  

Below are some pictures from your 1st Halloween, 10-31-12... you were a "Ladybug" which was perfect because you are our "little bug"!

2012 Election night was Tuesday, November 6th and you helped me cook dinner while Daddy watched the news...

On Saturday, November 10th we made a trip to Chapel Hill and spent the afternoon on the campus of UNC...

Your 1st drink from the "Old Well"... it's supposed to be good luck!

We had a Sunday afternoon visit from your friend, Hannah.  You weren't too sure about her!  Haha!

You LOVE to stand...

You now are able to move your walker around the room!

You sit in your "bunny" in the mornings and watch Mommy get dressed before work!

Look ya'll, I'm sitting up!

Sweet pea face and drinking water from the sippy cup...

Hanging out with Big Brother Josh!

just some pics from a day around the house...

Happy 5 Month Birthday Ella!!!

Ella, Mommy and Daddy love you and like I say ever time, we couldn't imagine life without you!


Mommy & Daddy

I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. ~1 Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Four Months Old

4 months old... October 19, 2012


You had your 4 month well child check on Monday, October 22nd and you weigh 13 pounds and are 23.5 inches!  You got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine.  You were not very happy about this at all.  Later that night and the next day you had a fever.  You were very pitiful, all you wanted to do was sit with Mommy & Daddy and sleep.
You are wearing size 1 diapers, drinking about 3.5-4oz of Nutramigen every 3 hours, and are wearing size 3 months clothes. You can wear some 3-6 months size clothes.  You still wake up 1-2 times per night. 

 "Briley's Pumpkin Patch" on 
Saturday, October 13th.  

We went on a hay ride and got to pick out your 1st little pumpkin!  
(we met the Ayscue's there...
Anthony, Rebecca, & Hannah)

Then we took a few photos on the pumpkins!


We went to the NC State Fair on Sunday, October 14th... 

your 1st drink of water from the sippy cup...

you really enjoy "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse"

You will sit alone unsupported for a "few" seconds...

having fun driving with Daddy!

Mommy's Little Pumpkin!

Catching some z's in your bouncy!

Must have tummy time!

You love the "big chair"

usual morning with Daddy (no PJ pants)

Napping in your crib

strolling with your new sunglasses

out running the normal Saturday errands

ready for church

happy girl in your walker

starting to get a little cool so time to bring out the hat

Ella, you are such a happy girl these days and doing new things all the time.  You can roll to your side, but not quite get all the way over to your tummy.  You giggle out loud at times and it's the cutest thing ever.  Mommy and Daddy love you and like I say ever time, we couldn't imagine life without you!

Mommy & Daddy

I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. ~1 Samuel 1:27